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PRP Facial Rejuvenation 

(RF Microneed​ling with Platelet Rich Plasma)

microneedling, rf microneedling, radiofrequency microneedling

PRP Facial Rejuvenation Result

microneedling, rf microneedling, radiofrequency microneedling

 PRP Facial Rejuvenation Result

microneedling, rf microneedling, radiofrequency microneedling


PRP Facial Rejuvenation Procedure


PRP facial rejuvenation is a technique using regenerative medicine to erase the signs of aging safely, effectively and by using your own body.


What is PRP Facial Rejuvenation?


PRP Facial Rejuvenation is also known as microneedling with platelet rich plasma. PRP is platelet rich plasma is your own blood. Dr. Dalton and her team extract your blood just like a blood draw. They take it to their nurses station and spin the blood down using a state-of-the-art centrifuge.  This device separated the blood into several layers. The plasma is the top layer, the "liquid gold".  We can use the PRP to coat the face after microneedling or inject it just like regular filler.  WE ALSO HAVE OPTIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO DO NOT WANT THEIR BLOOD DRAWN.


What are The Benefits of  PRP Facial Rejuvenation:


1. Increases collagen production. 

By our late 20s and 30s were already see a drop in collagen production. This only continues to decline. Collagen provides a firm structure in our skin thats why you see unhealthy older skin look droopy and wrinkly.  Collagen production is triggered during the microneedling portion of the procedure as little tiny microneedles are used to puncture the upper layers of the skin. Once the skin cells are traumatized, the existing collage helps heal the skin and produce new and stronger collagen in a couple of weeks.


2. Fewer Lines and Wrinkles

Dr. Dalton loves this technique for the improvement of stubborn fine lines and wrinkles that haven't responded to other treatments like peels, botox, skin creams, etc. The microneedling with PRP. The old lines are slowly erased when the old cells are replaced by the new skin cells and healthier collagen and elastin are formed. This results in skin tightening which is also coupled by the  body's response to the "microtrauma" in the skin. The deeper folds and hollows also start to disappear with new skin regeneration.


3.  Improved Skin Tone and Texture

Microneedling with PRP improves the skin tone and texture. Over the years our skin has suffered the effects of aging and the sun and perhaps acne and scars. After the procedure, the body regenerates new and healthier skin that has been untouched by the effects of the environment. The overall appearance improves as our clients end up with a nice "glow" of healthy hydrated skin.


4. Low Risk, Fewer Side Effects

This procedure has fewer side effects as this does not involve surgery. It also uses your own blood so there is no risk of rejection or negative effects of the body. No major side-effects.


5. Virtually Painless Procedure​

Before the PRP Facial Rejuvenation procedure, the face is cleansed to remove any impurities. It is important that the client does not use any make-up, creams or moisturizers before the procedure as this could cause a negative reaction. After cleansing of the face, the provider will apply topical numbing cream to the face. Clients can also take tylenol the day of. No motrin or advil or ibuprofen because it can result in bruising. We also have inhaled anesthesia available (ProNox), but we have not had to use that. The areas around the mouth, hairline and around the eyes are more tender, but the procedure is over quickly. The entire procedure is about 45min from when you walk in to when you check out.


6. Long Lasting Results

The benefit of PRP Facial rejuvenation is that it is long lasting.  As a result of this procedure, your body has regenerated new and improved skin. It does take time for your collagen production so the results appear within a few weeks. Gravity, aging and the environment will continue to be a battle in all of our lives, but the rejuvenation effects can last up to a year. It is important that these become part of your self-care routine.


The recommended treatment protocol: THREE (3) treatments 4-6 week apart followed by annually for maintenance.

Call  508 680-700​4 to learn more or schedule consult.

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